HBC, Inc. regards safety and health as a prime consideration in any job, and is committed to preventing job-related accidents and injuries by establishing and adhering to an effective risk-reduction Safety Program. Only qualified personnel are utilized on HBC projects and these personnel are required to follow all local, state, and Federal laws for all aspects of building a telecommunications project.

Safety and health are important considerations in any job, and HBC works to prevent job-related accidents and injuries by establishing and adhering to an effective risk-reduction Safety Program. Only qualified personnel are utilized on HBC projects and these personnel are required to follow all local, state, and federal laws for all aspects of building a project.
It is our goal to provide a safe, accident free, and healthy work environment for everyone, and we have a culture of training, diligent work and careful attention to all policies by everyone at Horne Brothers Communications.
Our safety and health programs have been developed to assure Horne Brothers Communications complies with federal, state, and local regulations. HBC meets any occupational safety and health rules and regulations that apply to any states where we operate. Safety demands cooperation on everyone’s part. Thus, it is always important that communication is kept open between management and employees.
All HBC employees are provided and have access to HBC’s Safety Manual and are obligated to be knowledgeable of the standards applicable to their area or job, and just as important, to abide by them. It is a requirement of Horne Brothers Communications to provide Safety Managers on all of our job sites to oversee a safe work environment. Field Managers and Crew Leaders must instill a positive attitude and safety awareness in their subordinates through personal adherence, contact, training, and regular safety meetings. It is the duty of all HBC employees to perform their work keeping in mind the safety of themselves and others.
Our safety policies are based on past experiences and current standards and are also an integral part of HBC Construction policies.